Minnesota Insurance Blog

Hermann Insurance Services is helping impart our wisdom from decades of experience in Minnesota. We want you to have all of the best up-to-date knowledge when it comes to insurance decision-making for life insurance, disability, business insurance, or personal insurance.

Home Owners with family in Minnesota

What Northern Minnesotans Need to Know About Home Insurance

Understanding the Unique Home Insurance Needs in Northern Minnesota Understanding the unique home insurance needs in Northern Minnesota is crucial for homeowners in the region. The extreme weather conditions and specific risks that come with living in this area necessitate a tailored approach to property insurance coverage. Home insurance requirements in Northern Minnesota may differ…

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comercial insurance savings and business insurance owner holding money

Protecting Your Minnesota Business With Commercial Insurance

Find the Right Commercial Insurance for Your Minnesota Business Your Minnesota business needs commercial insurance. While workers’ compensation is the only commercial insurance policy that’s required by state law, too many business owners have fallen victim to the notion that if comprehensive business insurance isn’t legally required, it can wait.  The issue is that applying…

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2024 Insurance goals

Planning Your Insurance Policies for 2024

Why It’s Crucial to Plan Your Insurance Policies for the Year 2024 In today’s fast-paced world, planning for the future has become more critical than ever, especially regarding our financial security. This planning is crucial to ensuring that our insurance policies align with our needs and goals. As we look ahead to 2024, taking a…

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small business owner shakes hand with employee at cafe

Essential Insurance Coverage for Small Business Owners in Minnesota

The Importance of Business Insurance for Northern Minnesota Small Businesses Small business operations involve inherent risks, such as property damage, liability claims, or natural disasters. These unforeseen events can devastate your business’s financial stability without adequate insurance coverage. Business insurance provides the necessary protection to mitigate these risks and ensure you can continue operations even…

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Woman Driving in Minnesota Winter Day

Auto Insurance Coverage for Northern Minnesota Winters

Understanding The Unique Challenges of Northern Minnesota Winters Winter in Northern Minnesota presents unique challenges for drivers and calls for special considerations when it comes to auto insurance coverage. The extreme weather conditions, icy roads, and heavy snowfall make driving in this region particularly hazardous during winter. Car insurance in winter becomes crucial as it…

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What Kind Of Coverage Does A Nonstandard Occupation Need?

As a full service independent insurance agency, our primary goal is to provide comprehensive coverage that meets the diverse needs of individuals and businesses. While traditional occupations are relatively straightforward to assess and insure, there is a growing segment of the workforce engaged in nonstandard occupations. These unconventional job roles pose unique challenges when it…

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holding umbrella over model home showing umbrella coverage

What Is Umbrella Insurance For?

What Is Umbrella Insurance? Umbrella insurance is a type of liability insurance that provides you extra protection. This protection is beyond the limits of homeowners, auto, or other primary insurance policies. It’s designed to protect assets in case of major liability claims, including judgments leveled against the policyholder that exceed the limits of their primary…

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people working out at a gym protected by general liability insurance

Who Needs a General Liability Policy

Most business insurance packages include general liability insurance because it can help cover the daily risks many small business owners face.    Who Needs a General Liability Policy Although it isn’t usually required by law, there are many good reasons to ensure you have sufficient general liability coverage. Some industries need to be especially concerned…

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Independent Insurance Agency in North Branch Minnesota

Want to Save on Minnesota Insurance?

Work With A Minnesota Independent Insurance Agent  Maybe you’re looking at the budget for your business and wondering whether you are overspending on insurance premiums, or perhaps you have just started a business in Minnesota and don’t know where to start with getting coverage. Of course, comparing insurance rates is your best option, but finding…

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Young woman taking inventory of clothing in walk in closet

Creating a Home Inventory

Do You Have an Inventory of All Your Belongings? As a homeowner or renter, you should have an accurate, up-to-date inventory of all the personal property at your residence and off-site storage facilities. There are several reasons to create a thorough list and plenty of ways to approach the project. Determine how much insurance coverage…

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Life Insurance policy brochures

Whole Life Insurance

Let’s Talk Whole Life Insurance Life insurance can be confusing to shop for. Therefore, it is crucial to understand the differences between whole life and term life insurance to make the best decision for you and your family. The Cost of a Whole Life Insurance Policy Whole life insurance costs more than term life insurance,…

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Life Insurance Form

Term Life Insurance

Let’s Talk Term Life Insurance Here at Hermann Insurance, we want what’s best for you! Certainly when regarding Life Insurance and anything else your family needs. It is essential to know what you are shopping for and today, we will go over Term Life Insurance.  Life insurance can be confusing to shop for. It is…

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